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Mirror, mirror polished stainless steel (finish #8) grade 304 and glue are three important constituents of these boxes.

Mirrors are sought from world renowned manufacturers like Saint Gobain/Modi guard and are manufactured with environmentally friendly (without lead and copper) green credentials which improves the optical quality and longevity of glass through better resistance to corrosion & silvering effect.

Mirror Polished Stainless Steel grade 304 is very high rust resistance material extensively used in medical, pharmaceutical and food industries. It is sourced from most reputed manufacturers in the field and it's finish can last for reasonably long duration in normal conditions unless it is installed in harsh environments like salty, acidic or chloride atmosphere which can generate pitting and localized rusting.

Glue for fixing mirror to box is sourced from innovative world leader company in this field. All these three constitutes with the state do the art manufacturing facilities and your handling it with care makes the product perfect for life cycle. Normal care procedure is outlined here under:
  1. Avoid placing mirror cabinets near source of heat or where water/moisture is constantly splashing on it.
  2. First clean mirror with dry, soft, clean microfiber cloth to remove loose dust from it's surface.
  3. Use dust free, clean sponge or soft clean cloth/tissue, spray very small quantity of warm water on it and wipe mirror surface to remove any harsh dried dust, finger prints or water stains. Never spray water directly on the mirror to prevent "puddling" at the mirror edge where water or cleaner used could attack the mirror backing - the weakest part of the mirror easily prone to damage.
  4. Once this is done, mirror including it's edges should be dried immediately by wiping with soft, clean microfiber cloth or soft tissues.
  5. Never use harsh acid, highly alkaline solutions or cleaners containing ammonia based detergent, chlorine bleach or any strong chemicals.
  6. Ensure no residue from cleaning products is left around the mirror and special care is required to dry mirror edges for it's long term trouble free performance.
  7. Please take care to avoid direct contact of stainless steel surface with rusted steel and/or with water containing chloride and acid, it may cause pitting and rusting.
  8. For cleaning mirror polished stainless steel surface of the cabinet use only soft, clean microfiber cloth and clean warm water as first choice. Only in case of harsh dust removal apply mild detergent water as per the mirror cleaning procedure mentioned above followed by drying process with soft, clean microfiber cloth. For stubborn stains and discoloration one may use 3M or equivalent stainless steel cleaners and polish as per the their instructions.
Repeat this procedure only in case there is need for cleaning. This will ensure long trouble free performance of the product. Please enjoy your proud possession with care.